Timy Baranoff Elementary


School Hours:  The school day is from 7:40 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for students in grades PK-5.  

Attendance:  Attendance notes should be submitted within 48 hours of the student's return to school.  Please include the student's name, grade, teacher, date of and reason for absence and parent/guardian signature.  Notes may be sent to school with your student, dropped off in the front office or emailed to baranoff@austinisd.org.  Please remember, a doctor note only excuses the date of the appointment unless other dates are specified.  A note that says the student may return in 1-3 days must still have exact dates noted if there are further absences. A parent note will suffice for those additional days.

 AISD Nutrition and Food Services Information
For information regarding the new food service software, SchoolCafe, please visit their website www.schoolcafe.com and see the attached flyer.

Project HELP

Project HELP's mission is to ensure the educational rights and protections due under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to all students experiencing homelessness. For more informations, click here.

Please access our Parent/Student Handbook for additional information.