Campus Visitors
Our campus is open to visitors. All visitors must check in at the front office. For safety purposes, parents/guardians are not allowed to enter the building during arrival and dismissal.
Student Arrival Procedures
We encourage you to utilize our car drop-off lane for arrival. Parents/guardians may not enter the front foyer during drop off. Parents/guardians will not be allowed to walk their children into the building. We will have staff members stationed outside and throughout the building to assist with guiding students to class.
Arrival Traffic Pattern Map

Arrival Procedures
The front doors will open at 7:15 am. Students who arrive between 7:15-7:30 am can eat breakfast or they will wait in the cafeteria until 7:30 am. At 7:30 am, the additional doors in the front of the school and the 4th grade annex will be opened (please see the arrival map above), and students waiting in the cafeteria will be escorted to class. All doors will close at 7:40 am. Breakfast will be served until 7:40 am.
- For safety and security, all exterior doors are to remain locked during the school day.
AISD Bus Riders
Children who ride the bus will be dropped off in the back parking lot of the school each morning.
- Students will sit in their designated seats as outlined by a seating chart.
- To keep all bus riders and drivers safe, students who become sick will not be transported home on school buses. Parents/guardians will be responsible for transporting these students home.
- At 7:15 am the front doors will open. All other doors (please see the map above) will open at 7:30 am.
Car Riders
- Parents should not enter or park in the front parking lot between 7:00 - 7:45 am. The circle drive should be used for drop off.
- parents/guardians and children should remain in their cars until their door is opened.
- Please ensure your child is seated on the passenger side of your car to allow your child to easily exit the car.
Family Assigned Numbers
- Each family will receive a Family Assigned Number prior to the start of school. This number will be used for dismissal. It is important you have this number displayed upon arrival.
- You will receive your Family Assigned Number prior to the first day of school by your child’s teacher at Meet the Teacher and/or via email.
- We have assigned each grade level a specific paper color. We ask that you use the paper color assigned to your child’s grade to display your Family Assigned Number.
- PK - Blue
- K - Red
- 1 - Green
- 2nd - Orange
- 3rd - Purple
- 4th - Pink
- 5th - White
- If you forget your child’s Family Assigned Number, please reach out to your child’s teacher or email .
Dismissal Traffic Flow
Please bring your patience as we navigate our dismissal system. We are a very large school, and the first couple of weeks take some time to ensure students are escorted to the correct dismissal area.
Dismissal Traffic Pattern Map